BIG England Wildlife Quiz: 50 Questions & Answers
Welcome to the BIG England Wildlife Quiz! If you want to test your England wildlife knowledge with a wildlife quiz, then you are going to love the next few minutes of your life.
I wanted to put together a 50-question English wildlife quiz. With 50 England wildlife questions and answers, all about wildlife in England, I guarantee you’ll get at least 10 right.
Do you know what group of dolphins are called, the name of a hare’s home, or what the smallest animal in England is?
Well, step right up, here’s the BIG England wildlife quiz. Grab a pen and paper, or get a Word document open and challenge your friends to a duel.
England Wildlife Quiz Questions & Answers
There are six rounds to this England animal quiz, mostly consisting of 9-10 wildlife quiz questions, butthe last one just has two. Great if you’re looking for unusual wildlife quiz questions!
- England Wildlife Quiz Questions & Answers
- 1. General England wildlife questions round
- 2. Name the England wildlife species picture round
- 3. England animals in the home and garden
- 4. Animal quiz: who lives here picture round?
- 5. Baby animals in England round?
- 6. Last two animal quiz questions
- ANSWERS to the BIG England Wildlife Quiz
The answers are listed at the end. Don’t scroll too far!
Make sure to share your scores at the bottom of the post. I’d love to know how you get on with these animal quiz questions and answers.
Good luck and have fun!
May the British wildlife quiz BEGIN…
1. General England wildlife questions round
Test your wildlife trivia with these questions and answers!
- How many noses does a slug have?
- What is a group of pheasants called?
- Which is England’s fastest land mammal?
- What is the smallest mammal in the UK?
- What is the largest animal in England?
- A snail can sleep for how many years?
- How many pairs of wings does a bee have?
- Which is the most dangerous animal in England, in terms of deaths?
- Which four species of animals does the Queen own?
- Name three types of dolphin found in England?
FUN ANIMAL FACT: No two dog noses are the same. They’re equivalent to our fingerprints.
2. Name the England wildlife species picture round
Go through the 9 pictures of English animals below and write down the species name of each one. Just as a hint, ‘dog’ won’t do. It needs to be the breed and species – like ‘bulldog’. And it needs to be the breed that is native to England.
Isle of Wight General Knowledge Quiz
3. England animals in the home and garden
We love our wildlife in England, but it’s obvious we love our domesticated pets even more. I thought I’d do a round on animals in the home, both the wanted ones, and the not so welcome.
Let’s see how well you can do on this round of the England wildlife quiz…
- How many times better is a dogs hearing than a humans?
- How many species of spider are there in Britain?
- What breed is considered the national dog of England?
- What per cent of English households own a pet?
- What colour are the squirrels on the Isle of Wight?
- What is the most common animal in England?
- How many spines does a hedgehog have? 3000? 5000? 7000?
- Roughly how many cats did the RSPCA take in in 2019?
- True or false… Hamsters cheek pouches actually extend to their hips?
- What is a female donkey called?
4. Animal quiz: who lives here picture round?
Who’d live in a home like this?
That’s up to you to work out! Look closely at the pictures below for the next round on this England wildlife quiz. I need to know the name of the animal, and the name of their home. For example: ‘dog kennel’.
You’ve got this!
If you like animals in England, you’ll love this post on the best zoos in England. Check it out!
5. Baby animals in England round?
Next up in the great England wildlife quiz: babies. The only thing cuter than an animal is a baby animal, and that’s what I need to know the name of here. I’ll be WELL impressed if you can get number 2!
- Horse?
- Alpaca?
- Ant?
- Bat?
- Bee?
- Fox?
- Gerbil?
- Goat?
- Guinea Pig?
- Oyster?
There’s a great list of animals baby names here. I feel like this is the stuff kids know and then as adults you just forget it.
Time for a trip down memory lane!
6. Last two animal quiz questions
- How many times a day, on average, do parent puffins feed their baby puffins? 30? 60? 100?
- Owls are zygodactyl. What does that mean?
That’s the end of the quiz!
ANSWERS to the BIG England Wildlife Quiz
Scroll back up if you’re not ready for the answers yet!
When you’re done, check out this English counties quiz too!
1. General England wildlife questions round
- How many noses does a slug have? 4
- What is a group of pheasants called? nye, bevy, bouquet or covey
- Which is England’s fastest land mammal? Brown hares
- What is the smallest mammal in the UK? Pygmy shrew
- What is the largest animal in England? Red deer stags
- A snail can sleep for how many years? 3
- How many pairs of wings does a bee have? 2 sets of wings (so 4)
- Which is the most dangerous animal in England, in terms of deaths? Cows
- Which four species of animals does the Queen own? Mute swans, whales, sturgeons and porpoises
- Name three types of dolphin found in England? Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic white-sided dolphins and the Common dolphin
2. Name the England wildlife species picture round
3. England animals in the home and garden
- How many times better is a dogs hearing than a humans? 4
- How many species of spider are there in Britain? 600
- What breed is considered the national dog of England? Bulldog
- What per cent of English households own a pet? Upwards of 50%
- What colour are the squirrels on the Isle of Wight? Red
- What is the most common animal in England? The brown rat, at 10 million
- How many spines does a hedgehog have? 3000? 5000? 7000? 7000
- Roughly how many cats did the RSPCA take in in 2019? 29,432 (10% either way gets a point)
- True or false… Hamsters cheek pouches actually extend to their hips? True
- What is a female donkey called? A jenny
4. Animal quiz: who lives here picture round?
- Badget sett
- Bee hive
- Fox den
- Cuckoo’s nest
- Bat cave
- Horse stable
- Squirrel dray
- Pig sty
- Chicken coop
5. Baby animals in England round?
- Horse? Foal
- Alpaca? Cria
- Ant? Antling
- Bat? Pup
- Bee? Larva
- Fox? Kit, cub, pup
- Gerbil? Pup
- Goat? Kid, billy
- Guinea Pig? Pig, pup
- Oyster? Spat
6. Last two animal quiz questions
How many times a day, on average, do parent puffins feed their baby puffins? 30? 60? 100? 100
Owls are zygodactyl. What does that mean? Their feet have two forward-facing toes and two backward-facing toes.
READ MORE: 15 Amazing Animals in England, and Where to Find Them
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